When commuting to work or running errands, you may not think twice before entering an intersection. However, it is necessary to understand that these locations can be especially dangerous. Statistics show that nearly 50% of accidents resulting in injury or death occur at intersections. Understanding what makes these locations so dangerous is critical to help you stay alert to your surroundings to anticipate a collision. However, despite taking the necessary precautions, you may still fall victim to the negligence of another driver. As such, it is in your best interest to keep reading and connect with our Irvine auto accident lawyers to learn more about your legal options.
Generally, there is already an increased risk of an accident occurring at intersections due to the high number of vehicles that pass through these locations, in addition to pedestrians and bicyclists.
One of the most common reasons accidents at intersections occur is driver negligence. While some accidents are because a distracted or speeding driver missed the light change to red, others are commonly caused by drivers unfamiliar with the area. Though there is often a considerable amount of signage informing motorists of what lanes go in which directions, someone may be in the wrong lane and make an illegal maneuver to rectify the situation, thus causing an accident. Additionally, a driver unfamiliar with the area may not know who has the right of way in these situations.
However, it is necessary to understand that, in some instances, intersections are poorly designed. For example, limited visibility, poor lighting, narrow lanes, lack of signs, or traffic lights that change too quickly can make these locations incredibly dangerous to navigate.
Generally, the negligent driver can be held liable for the damages they cause. Proving fault can be incredibly complicated, as you must show that you had the right of way and the other driver breached their duty of care, thus causing the accident. As such, it is in your best interest to connect with an attorney who can assist you in gathering evidence to help show that the other driver was the negligent party in the collision.
However, in some instances, you will find that if the design of the intersection is partially to blame, you may be able to hold the city engineer and municipality responsible for some of the damages.
Unfortunately, trying to navigate accidents can be incredibly complex. This is why it is imperative to connect with an experienced attorney who can assist you through these matters. At California Personal Injury Law Firm, APC, our firm will examine the details of your circumstances to determine the best course of action for your situation. When you are hurt, we can help. Connect with us today to learn more.
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