people celebrating new year's eve

What Should I Know About New Year’s Eve Drunk Driving Accidents?

With the New Year rapidly approaching, you may be setting goals and getting ready to make changes to become the best version of yourself. However, if you are involved in a car accident on New Year’s Eve, it can turn your life upside down. As such, it is imperative to understand why these accidents are so common, what to do if you see an inebriated driver, and how the Irvine auto accident lawyers at California Personal Injury Firm, APC, may be able to assist you in the aftermath of a collision.

Are New Year’s Eve Drunk Driving Accidents Common?

Unfortunately, accidents involving alcohol are incredibly common on New Year’s Eve, with many celebrating the holiday with friends and alcohol. Because of the significant increase in alcohol consumption, the number of drivers who operate vehicles under the influence dramatically rises.

Studies have shown that overnight fatal accidents involving alcohol on New Year’s Eve increased more than three times the national average for the rest of the year.

What Should I Do if I Believe a Driver is Intoxicated?

If you are driving and see another vehicle traveling erratically or have reason to believe the driver in the vehicle is under the influence, it is imperative to act immediately. You should call the police to inform them of the risk. After you have provided the make and model of the vehicle, where they are driving, and any other identifiable information, you should put as much distance between you and the vehicle as possible. Do not pursue them, as this can make matters worse, as the driver may become paranoid, which can lead to even more dangerous behavior.

What Should I Do if I am Hurt?

In the event you are involved in an accident with a drunk driver on New Year’s Eve, it is imperative to understand what steps you must take to protect yourself. Generally, the first thing you should do is assess yourself and any passengers in your vehicle for injuries. Next, you should call emergency services to report the accident and request medical personnel at the scene. It is also important to ensure you inform the operator as to why you believe the other driver is intoxicated so the police can take the necessary steps when they arrive.

If you sustain injuries, it is in your best interest to connect with an experienced attorney. Unfortunately, many believe all they need to do is file a report through the insurance company to receive compensation; this is far from the truth. In reality, proving damages can be incredibly complicated, and making an error because of unfamiliarity with the law can lead to receiving less than you deserve.

When you need help, the team at California Personal Injury Law Firm, APC, can help fight for you. We understand how devastating this can be for you and your family. Connect with our firm today to discuss your circumstances and learn how we may be able to assist you.

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