damaged car on tow truck

What Should I Do if I am the Victim of a Hit-and-Run?

Being involved in an accident can be incredibly jarring. However, as you exit your vehicle to speak with the driver responsible for the collision, they are speeding away from the scene. There are many reasons someone may flee the scene of an accident such as not having auto insurance, driving a stolen vehicle, having a warrant out for their arrest, not wanting to be involved with police, and many other reasons which can make it very difficult to recover for your losses. Unfortunately, many are unsure how to proceed in these moments given the unusual and complex nature of a hit-and-run accident. If this reflects your circumstances, knowing what to do when a driver leaves the scene is critical to protect yourself. Keep reading to learn what steps you should take and why connecting with our Irvine car accident lawyers can help improve your chances of receiving justice.

What Should I Do if the Other Driver Flees the Accident Scene?

When you are involved in an accident in which the other driver leaves the scene, it is imperative to understand the steps you must take to protect yourself. Your first instinct may be to pursue the other driver. However, you should not attempt to follow the driver. If you are involved in a collision, you may have sustained injuries that make it unsafe for you to operate a vehicle. As such, if you follow the other driver, you may be at risk of causing another collision. Similarly, the other driver may be dangerous, and pursuing them can cause them to become more erratic which places you and others on the road at risk of another accident.

Instead, if you are involved in an accident and the other driver leaves the accident scene, you should find a safe location to pull over and call the police. When speaking with the operator, you should provide as much detail as possible about the other vehicle, like the make, model, color, damage, and license plate. While waiting for the police to arrive, you can talk to witnesses who can provide information and insight about the collision.

How Can I Recover Compensation After a Hit-and-Run?

Victims of hit-and-runs may have a difficult time recovering compensation for the damages they sustained due to the fact they are unable to locate the driver. If the police cannot find them, you can file a claim through your own insurance company using your uninsured motorist coverage to help cover the cost of your car repairs and medical bills. However, your plan may not cover the full extent of the damages, which can cause serious financial strain.

If the other driver can be located, you can file a claim against their insurance to recover the compensation you deserve for the damages they caused.

Being involved in a hit-and-run is an incredibly complicated matter in which you should obtain legal representation. Not only can your attorney help you prove that the other driver is liable for damages, but they can assist you in negotiating a settlement for the compensation you deserve. When you are hurt, California Personal Injury Law Firm, APC, may be able to assist. Connect with us today to learn more.

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