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What Are Common Forms of Negligence That Lead to California Car Crashes?

Though most do not like to think about the possibilities, car accidents can occur. While some errors are caused by forces of nature, such as a deer running into the road, or vehicle malfunctions, like a steering column locking up, many accidents are caused by user error. As such, understanding the common forms of negligence that can impact you when on the road is critical. If injured in a collision, understanding how Irvine auto accident attorneys can help you recover the compensation you are entitled to is critical. The following blog explores what you should know about these circumstances.

What Forms of Negligence Commonly Contribute to Accidents?

Generally, most types of negligence on roadways will fall under one of two categories – distracted or dangerous driving.

Distracted driving occurs when the driver is not focused on the road around them when behind the wheel. Because conditions are constantly changing, the undivided attention of the driver is required to ensure the safety of themselves and others on the road. Unfortunately, these accidents are increasingly common with the rise of smartphones. Texting and driving, checking social media, searching for directions, or changing the music can take a driver’s eyes off the road, directly contributing to a collision. Other forms of distracted driving include daydreaming, staring at things on the side of the road, looking for something in the vehicle, eating, or completing personal hygiene routines.

Dangerous driving is the other form of negligence commonly associated with car accidents. When drivers get behind the wheel, they must take steps to follow the rules of the road to ensure they travel safely. However, when drivers travel above the speed limit, do not appropriately use blinkers, or fail to adhere to road signs and traffic lights, accidents can occur. Additionally, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is one of the most dangerous behaviors that can lead to collisions.

What Should I Do if I am Injured?

In the event you are injured due to a dangerous or distracted driver, it is important to understand the steps you must take to prove negligence. Generally, this can consist of police reports, medical records, witness testimony, dashboard camera footage, or security film from local businesses or homes.

As such, if you are involved in an accident, it is imperative to contact emergency services as soon as possible. This ensures there is a police presence to complete a report and emergency medical technicians to treat the injuries you have endured.

Finally, it is critical to contact an experienced car accident attorney from California Personal Injury Law Firm, APC. Our team understands how devastating and life-altering car accidents can be. As such, when another person’s negligence is the cause of your injury, we are here to help. Contact our team today to learn how we will do everything possible to fight for the justice you deserve.

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