person riding bike on sidewalk

Do I Have Any Rights as a Pedestrian Struck By a Cyclist?

Unfortunately, many cities and towns have become less walkable, meaning it has become less safe and convenient for pedestrians to walk where they need to go. When you decide to walk somewhere, cars are generally the biggest risk you must stay alert to. However, when you find yourself injured on the sidewalk, the last thing you expect is a cyclist to be the culprit. Many pedestrians are unaware of their rights when hurt due to the negligent actions of a bicycle rider. If this reflects your circumstances, the following blog and our experienced Irvine pedestrian accident lawyers can help you explore your legal options.

What Laws Must Cyclists Follow in California?

It is imperative to understand that while there are general laws in place that cyclists must adhere to, they must also familiarize themselves with the local ordinances and regulations implemented by each municipality.

In California, bicycles are considered vehicles and as such, must adhere to the laws that drivers follow. Bicycles must adhere to traffic signals, stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, and use turn signals when on public roadways.

Typically, those riding bikes will stay on the road, as close to the shoulder as possible while riding with traffic. In Irvine, however, cyclists are permitted, unless there is a posted sign stating otherwise, to ride their bicycles on sidewalks. However, the municipal code states that anyone riding on a sidewalk must yield to pedestrians as they have the right of way. If a cyclist wishes to pass a pedestrian, they need to give an audible warning before doing so.

As a Pedestrian, Can I Pursue Legal Action for Injuries Caused by a Cyclist?

If you have sustained an injury due to a cyclist, you may be entitled to compensation. Many are unaware of this, as bicycle collisions are not as common as car accidents. However, these types of collisions can still leave the victim with considerable damages.

If you are struck by a bicycle, it is important to get the information of the rider such as their contact and insurance information. You should also call the police to the scene and request an accident report be filed.

Next, you should seek medical attention for the injuries inflicted. Not only does this help ensure your health and well-being, but it also helps to establish medical care. Pursuing prompt medical care can make fighting for compensation easier as the defense cannot claim your injuries were not serious because you did not seek medical care.

Though the circumstances of an accident involving a pedestrian and cyclist are unusual, they do happen, and having the proper tools to fight for the justice you deserve is critical. At California Personal Injury Law Firm, APC, our dedicated team understands how complicated these matters can be, which is why we are proud to help you fight for compensation for the damages you have endured. Contact us today to learn how we can help you through these difficult times.

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